Monday, June 29, 2009

Forms and formless are one

What we call God is nothing other than life. The whole of existence is nothing other than life or God in various forms. There is no difference between formless God and God in various forms. The idea of God having created forms is not true in the sense that God is separate from his creation. The formless becomes the forms, changes forms, and becomes formless again.
Logically understanding that there is no separation between us and all of existence would cause a radical shift in our living and our living, as life is, would become divine. Then praying, devotion, meditating, cultivating the heart, loving etc. would be the very qualities of our being.

Logical understanding and any mind-based reasoning lead to nothing, especially not to any radical shift. There can be no conviction about any product of the thinking process including unity because thinking process can yield only hypothesises and there is always the other voice in the mind who knows that the opposite of a hypothesis may also be true. You know it very well from your experience.
Stubborn insistence on using the mind or tricky claim that mind is neither good nor bad are covers for addiction to the mind of beginners who are still trapped in the mind. Once they experience for the first time no-mind (manage to overcome their fear of meditation), they taste from a different quality of realization and manage to abandon the reliance on logic. As long as they do not overcome that fear of meditation and no-mind, they are just playing with a useless primitive toy and cannot understand that even if you tell them so hundred times.
Self realization is not the same as any other realization, it is just a confusion of language as we use the same word "realization" in both of them. Self realization has nothing to do with mind and understanding.
This is extremely important! It makes all the basic difference

A brilliant exposition. I congratulate you. But when you say, "Logical understanding and any mind-based reasoning lead to nothing, especially not to any radical shift", the very fact that in communicating we need the logic of language proves that logic leads us and could be used to lead us beyond logic. Otherwise how do we go beyond logic into the realms of intuition?


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