Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quran and comparison

Throughout the Quran, the superlative word of comparison is used to describe Allah, beginning by saying "Allah the most beneficent, most merciful". These are qualities of humans also. It is the law of comparison that all comparisons must be between things or qualities of the same kind. Further, the pronoun He is used in reference to Allah. There is no escape from the fact that one way or the other Allah is linked to his creation. While some religions acknowledge this link by celebrating the anthropomorphizing of Allah or God, Islam at one level denies it for fear of committing “shirk”.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Transcending idol worship

When we posit that God is outside us, as the Abrahamic religions do (particularly Islam), then God becomes an object to us, the subject. We then represent God in various ways, with solid objects (like the murthis in Hindu worship), sound (the word Allah used in Islamic worship) etc. When the experience of oneness occurs (as spoken of in Advaita), the subject-object dichotomy evaporates and idol worship becomes redundant. Till then idol worship in whatever form is vital. Islam, which has foreclosed evolution in spiritual matters with its dogmatic stand on the Quran, is destined to remain an idol worshiping religion. Hinduism, which does not bind us to any text but encourages us to seek the spirit behind the texts, permits us to transcend idol worship.