Various aspects of Islam continue to embarass Muslims of various hues. Over the centuries many Muslims have realised that the hadiths or sayings about Mohammad and Sunnah or sayings by Mohammad have uncivilized aspects to it, what with its call to put to death apostates, support of female genital mutilation etc. So much so that Muslims have called for a "Quran only" Islam. However, the vast majority of Muslims continue to hold on to the hadiths as much as the Quran. Horrendous as the hadiths and sunna may be, though, Islam would continue to inherit spiritual retardation through the Quran even after the hadiths have been cleansed off Islam. This is because Islam would still believe the following, held sacred in the Quran:
1. That Islam is the only true religion (and fail to understand that truth can be expressed in various ways).
2. That Islam makes it mandatory its believers say by rote that they have witnessed there is only one God and Mohammad is His final prophet though no one has witnessed anything of that sort. Moreover, one-God-concept makes God a countable object, as opposed to the oneness-of-existence-concept which makes existence beyond any objectifying and hence any limitation)
3. That Quran says Allah created life. If so, during the period when there was no life, Allah would not have existed. This is ridiculous. Quran misses that all existence is life and is forever.
4. Quran says the goal of human life is to be perfect slaves of Allah. This would eventually be seen to be embarassing when seen in the light of the wisdom of the Vedas that the goal of human life is to realise its divinity.